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NAME [Mark Jones] ALIAS [Zomboi] AGE [26 at time of death - 34 now] GENDER [Male] |
STATUS [Working Stiff] ROLE [Paramedic] SPECIES [Human (Zombie)] IQ [140] |
SKIN [Pale/Grey] SCARS [All over] HAIR [Red] EYES [Blue] |
PROSTHETICS [Fully Robotic Arm] PIERCINGS [Ears] Wounds [A Few That Never Heal] SCENT [Vanilla (Heavy)] |
CLOTHES [Whatever's Cheap] ACCENT [Soft with hidden power] HEIGHT [6'3] WEIGHT [Proportionate] |
➣Zombie ▪ Before he was bitten, Mark lived a relatively normal life, he was a bit of a bookworm and gamer so didn't usually go out but he was strongarmed into it by some college friends the night of the accident. He wasn't much of a drinker (still isn't) so he left his friends around midnight, saying he wanted a relatively early night. It was on one of the backstreets that he was set upon by an unknown and, frankly, savage male. He ripped Mark's one arm completely out of it's socket before biting him several times before leaving him for dead. He bled out fairly quickly but found that he wasn't dead and felt fine considering the horrific injuries. That was the night his whole world got turned upside down. He made his way to the hospital and as soon as the nurses saw him they called in 'The Institute', a group of individuals that deal with the 'abnormal'. He was taken there and tested and found to have a rare blood type that, while not stopping the transformation, does did allow him to keep his brain and personality, so they 'hired' him as a paramedic, completing his training before subbing him out to any hospital that needed him but he is constantly under observation. | ➣PERSONALITY ▪ He is your typical geek and gamer, he will talk for hours about the various injuries he's tended to then, on the flip of a coin, switch to the latest game he played the night before. Be prepared to be bored out of your skull if you're a sportsman since he is certainly not! He loves to have 'safe' fun, he's not a party goer, in fact he avoids them, he needs good friends to survive but hasn't been able to keep them since, when they find out about him, they tend to run in the opposite direction, so, because of this, he's a fairly lonely guy. |
➣LIKES ▪ Medical documentaries, Gaming, Bike Riding, Drawing, Sudoku, Movie nights, People | ➣DISLIKES ▪ Questions, Loud parties, Vegetables |